Posts Tagged ‘How-To’

What is going on with WordPress? What is going on with blogs? In a very short time blogging has become huge not only for individuals, but also for all sorts of companies and services, and for most people, blogging is directly associated with WordPress. If you are wondering why WordPress is the chosen platform for […]

Pictaculous acquires a picture or image that you select and generates an excerpt of colorized palettes founded off of them. With an uncomplicated upload, you will be able to change a design-invigorating picture into an operational palette design. Pictaculous produces a basic palette containing all of the colorations immediately distilled from the picture. By exploiting […]

The cracking technique I addressed late last week required you to type in ten cumbersome commands that is easy to fat finger.  Although there is no simple user interface with a gigantic push button that states, “Crack” and plays the Mission Impossible theme music, a few windowed alternatives are practically more operable. SpoonWep in BackTrack […]

Whenever you discover yourself with longer than normal startup times after you upgraded to the new Firefox 3.5, you might have contracted a bug where Firefox 3.5 acquires the haphazardness it demands for protection purposes on Windows operating systems. The operation postulates scanning a few temporary files (folders), searching for information typically contributed by operating […]